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Лабрадор.ру собаки - ретриверы

АНЯ КОВАЛЬ, 5 лет.

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Ana Koval was born at May, 12 of 1999 in Smela city (Ukraine). Since January of 2004, she is fighting a severe illness. She was diagnosed with an abdominal mass, and the surgery was performed to remove it. The final diagnosis was terrifying: a malignant tumor called neuroblastoma, which had already spread into Anna’s bone marrow. She had undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, and another surgery, followed by two additional chemotherapy rounds. From May to August of 2005, the girl was subjected to biotherapy, a nearly new and promising method in clinical oncology. Anna was feeling reasonably well, and her parents presented her a Golden Retriever puppy! However, in the beginning of August, her condition worsened dramatically. The testing revealed that the cancer had spread in the child’s brain. She was scheduled for an emergency surgery, and then to radiation therapy. Regardless of all the attempts taken by the healthcare team members, Anna’s condition was still worsening. In November of 2005, she was transferred to _______ for a clinical trial. Another round of chemotherapy was performed, and then Anna underwent the transplantation ___cells, taken from her father. The transplantation reaction included fever and shock, but the little girl was still struggling!

In the end of 2005, Anna’s relatives came to the Russian Golden Retriever club, hoping for help and support. The story touched our hearts. We felt bad for a child fighting, and did our best to help her parents. We were so glad to find out that, in the middle of December, Anna’s condition began to improve slowly! She had been through various treatments, most of them extremely unpleasant, and a second transplantation of her father’s cells, which went well.

This little, fragile girl is stronger than any of us! In her 7 years old she had been through a hell, but she is still alive, and she is still struggling! She plays, laughs, and draws flowers, butterflies, and trains. She simply wants to live, and tries her best to do so.

Anna’s parents and volunteer donors had already spent enormous amount of money for her treatment. However, the child must undergo future observation and treatments, over 60,000 total. We hope that you will wish to support Anna and her family in their struggle. They need your help, which is as importane as a difference between life and death for Anna.

изменила. Goldberry.


Модераторы , замените плз слово facing в фразе

facing a terrible disease
14 строка

на fighting

А вообще текст больше для американской публики (переведен проживающим так человеком)


Ana Koval was born on May, 12 of 1999 in Smela city (Ukraine). Since January

of 2004, she has been fighting a severe illness. She was diagnosed with an

abdominal noplasia of neurogenic origin, and the surgery was performed in

attemp to remove it. The final diagnosis was terrifying: a malignant tumor

called neuroblastoma, which had already spread into Anna’s bone marrow. She

had undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, and another surgery, followed by

two additional chemotherapy rounds. From May to August of 2005, the girl was

subjected to biotherapy, a nearly new and promising method in clinical

oncology. Anna was feeling reasonably well, and her parents gave her Golden

Retriever puppy to cheer up the girl! However, in the beginning of August,

her condition worsened dramatically. The testing revealed that the cancer

had spread in the child’s brain. She was scheduled for an emergency surgery,

and then to radiation therapy. Regardless of all the attempts taken by the

healthcare team members, Anna’s condition was still worsening. In November

of 2005, she was transferred to _______ for a clinical trial. Another round

of chemotherapy was performed, and then Anna underwent the transplantation

stem cells, taken from her father. The transplantation reaction included

fever and shock, but the little girl was still struggling!

In the end of 2005, Anna’s relatives came to the Russian Golden Retriever

club, hoping for help and support. The story touched our hearts. We felt bad

for a child facing a terrible disease, and did our best to help her parents.

We were so glad to find out that, in the middle of December, Anna’s

condition began to improve slowly! She had been through various treatments,

most of them extremely unpleasant, and a second transplantation of her

father’s cells, which went well.

This little, fragile girl is stronger than any of us! In her 7 years old she

had been through a hell, but she is still alive, and she is still

struggling! She plays, laughs, and draws flowers, butterflies, and trains.

She simply wants to live, and tries her best to do so.

Anna’s parents and volunteer donors had already spent enormous amount of

money for her treatment. However, the child must undergo future observation

and treatments, over 60,000 total. We hope that you will wish to support

Anna and her family in their struggle. They need your help, which is as

importane as a difference between life and death for Anna.

О! Вот это последний и самый лучший вариант перевода (с ним помогал канадский медик) !


Спасибо Роман!

Звонил Владимир из поезда! у Ани появилась сыпь ( реакция РТПХ)

На счете 4 тыс руб( последнее от 10 февраля!)Минимум на счете 90 тыс , тогда девочку положат в Онкоцентр

переведите по факсу номера платежек!


Да, пожалуйста! Проверяйте имена получателей, если Вы переводите деньги на счет Онкоцентра, пожалуйста!!! проверяйте, чтобы было указано то, что деньги должны поступить на счет по договору АНИ КОВАЛЬ!!!

И.. У меня еще будет такая просьба, будьте бдительны!!! Обязательно сохраняйте квитанции о переводе денег или передаче их наличными... по возможности высылайте мне или Рите или Майе копии или информацию о платёжках!!! Это нужно для того, чтобы можно было контролировать поступившие на счета деньги. Чтобы мы все были уверены в том, что деньги действиетельно целиком и полностью идут на лечение девочки!



Ana Koval was born on May, 12 of 1999 in Smela city (Ukraine). Since


of 2004, she has been fighting a severe illness. She was diagnosed with an

abdominal noplasia of neurogenic origin, and the surgery was performed in

attemp to remove it. The final diagnosis was terrifying: a malignant tumor

called neuroblastoma, which had already spread into Anna's bone marrow. She

had undergone four rounds of chemotherapy, and another surgery, followed by

two additional chemotherapy rounds. From May to August of 2005, the girl


subjected to biotherapy, a nearly new and promising method in clinical

oncology. Anna was feeling reasonably well, and her parents gave her Golden

Retriever puppy to cheer up the girl! However, in the beginning of August,

her condition worsened dramatically. The testing revealed that the cancer

had spread in the child's brain. She was scheduled for an emergency


and then to radiation therapy. Regardless of all the attempts taken by the

healthcare team members, Anna's condition was still worsening. In November

of 2005, she was transferred to Russian Scientific Center of Children


and Haematology for a clinical trial. Another round

of chemotherapy was performed, and then Anna underwent the transplantation

stem cells, taken from her father. The transplantation reaction included

fever and shock, but the little girl was still struggling!

In the end of 2005, Anna's relatives came to the Russian Golden Retriever

club, hoping for help and support. The story touched our hearts. We felt


for a child facing a terrible disease, and did our best to help her


We were so glad to find out that, in the middle of December, Anna's

condition began to improve slowly! She had been through various treatments,

most of them extremely unpleasant, and a second transplantation of her

father's cells, which went well.

This little, fragile girl is stronger than any of us! In her 7 years old


had been through a hell, but she is still alive, and she is still

struggling! She plays, laughs, and draws flowers, butterflies, and trains.

She simply wants to live, and tries her best to do so.

Anna's parents and volunteer donors had already spent enormous amount of

money for her treatment. However, the child must undergo future observation

and treatments, over 60,000 total. We hope that you will wish to support

Anna and her family in their struggle. They need your help, which is as

importane as a difference between life and death for Anna.

Мои знакомые ирландские американцы одобрили текст, очень понятно и трогательно, чуть-чуть добавили....


Аня прошла обследование, все не так уж и плохо!

Следующий приезд девочки и очередные процедуры в апреле. Деньги пока есть( перечисляют спонсоры)

Будем надеяться , что Аня победит болезнь...

Всем огромная благодарность за помощь и отзывчивость! Мы сделали большое дело - поддержали семью, нашли спонсоров, переживали...

Всем, всем, всем - СПАСИБО! :)

  • 3 недели спустя...

Сегодня мне звонил Володя! У них родился сын, назвали Лёшка-Алексей!!! Ура-ура-ура!!! :) Здоровья малышу и маме Тане!!!

У Анютки всё хорошо, они с папой приедут в Москву 16-17 апреля.

Ещё раз всем принявшим участие в судьбе Анюты огромное спасибо от всей семьи Коваль!


Замечательно, что все замечательно. (Стучу по дереву).

Пару дней назад по ТВ был репортаж из клиники, где лечат Аню. Показывали мальчика с лейкемией из Киева, которому нужны средства на лечение. Упоминали об Анечке. Доктор говорил о высокой цене лечения. Жаль, что они не передают пациентам информацию о процедурах, с которыми можно справиться в Киеве. Так было бы дешевле. Только бы хватило средств, только бы побороть болезнь!

  • 3 недели спустя...

Сегодня звонила Воладе. К сожалению дела плохие. Информация скомканная, т.к. он весь дёрганный, на нервах: Аню парализовало, она лежит в реанимации. Была сделана КТ (компьютерная томография) головного мозга, обнаружено 5 новых очагов.

10 мая буду звонить Юдиной, она поговорит с лечащим врачом, чтобы была более точная информация.

Остаётся только молиться...

Бедный ребенок! И за что ж все это!

Огромного терпения и сил родителям! А Анечке улучшения состояния. Тут даже не знаешь чего советовать, плакать хочется. :D

Помоги ей, Господи! Ведь дитя еще совсем...


Нейробластома, в начале темы всё описано, посмотрите.

Всего каких-то дней 10 назад все было нормально, они были в Москве, обследовались... И тут вдруг...


ну это просто..бедный ребёнок такой маленький и ...я не могу.. просто. :D


Девочка дома! Майя говорила Ане по телефону о том, что все в Москве собаки и их владельцы передают ей привет и волнуются, желают здоровья...



Анюта на Украине, завтра буду звонить снова - уточню в какой именно клинике она сейчас.

Дай Бог ей сил...


Звонила Юдиной. За очень короткий срок в мозге появились новые очаги. Буквально за несколько дней размеры опухоли увеличились от 1,5 до 6 см. На днях будет проводиться трипанбиопсия (опухоль расположена близко к черепу, будут брать пробы) и пробы отправят на гистологию. Есть предположение, что это (опухоль) разновидность грибов...

В общем, дней через 7-10 будет понятно что и как


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