Labrador retriever, Yellow Bitches, Veteran class
ex.1, Best Yellow Veteran Bitch, Best Yellow Veteran - Alkor Ros Berta (Brencara Johnnie Walker + Frami Sandy Iren), own. Zelenina S.

Comparison for Best Yellow Veteran: ALKOR ROS BERTA and UILLY
Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, Puppy class
ex.1, Best Yellow Puppy Bitch - Nicol Sunny Gold (Turbo Jet od Himalajskeho Cedru + Olivia Kitty Sue), own. Kiseleva T.

ex. 2 - Marta Morning Flash (Iriman Diamond De Birs + Paradigma Zena Flesh), own. Povalyaev M.
Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, Junior class
ex.1, Best Yellow Junior Bitch, Best Yellow Junior, Young Club Winner - Mikonti Bolero (Mailiksen Gentleman + Tawastway's Hide'n'Seek), own. Danilina O.

ex. 2 - Mikonti Bunny Girl (Mailiksen Gentleman + Tawastway's Hide'n'Seek), own. Polikarpova O.

ex. 3 - Bontaliss Aventa Spacy Slow (Penny Royal's Eric's Dutch Tulip + Iriman Infanta Isabel), own. Monakhova N.
ex. 4 - Jasmin Freygrands (Penny Royal's Eric's Dutch Tulip + Fler Nuar Rainbow), own. Lakhtionova S.
Labrador retriever, Yellow Bitches, Intermedia class
ex.1, Res. Best Yellow Bitch - Rocheby Most Charming (Rocheby State Occasion + Rocheby Sandylands Wind Charm), own. Smirnova L.

ex. 2 - Snow Wellwind Jenevieva Nora (Midnight Escape + My Love Heart Tarantella), own. Voronina A.

ex. 3 - Capas Spirit Jeness Dore (Blondess Empire Dastiny + Priorise Carry on Empire), own. Nikonova I.

ex. 4 - Vey Talie Imagy (Linjor Wish Master + Isn't She Lovely), own. Kruchkova M.
Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, Open class
ex.1, Best Yellow Bitch, Club Winner, Best Yellow Labrador - Vostorg Viasanta (Midnight Escape + Vostorg Udacha Ayrin), own. Haneeva N.
ex. 2 - Vista White Rose (Stars Maryland Danfi Son + Ruby Rose Silver Light), own. Naumova M.

ex. 3 - Valsy Little Bear (Penny Royal's Eric's Dutch Tulip + Ave Concord Fortuna), own. Skripnik V.

ex. 4 - Vey Talie Zuga Balentine (Iriman Eldorado Gold + Guardian Angel), own. Muravina N.

Labrador retriever, Yellow Bitches, Working class Суки Палевые Рабочий
ex.1 - Unika Gold Star (Vladim Du Cercle De Samson + Diadema Pery Diamond), own. Tihonov A. (3d place in comparison for Best Yellow Bitch)

ex.2 - Vostorg Vita (Midnight Escape + Vostorg Udacha Ayrin), own. Vdovina I.

ex. 3 - Princessa Lora WIlliam (Tapeatom Goodwill + Amar Vasant Zara Ardente), own. Efimova I. мар Васант Зара Арденте), вл.Ефимова И. А.
ex. 4 - Radiant Star Nimfea Beautiful Flower (Good Lotto De Sol D'Arena + Radiant Star Gladis Nightflower), own. Yakovleva I.
Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, Winner class
ex.1 - Loyalheart Bernays Biggest Souvenir (Strongline's Union Jack + Strongline's Dazzling Smile), own. Polyakova T.

ex.2 - Julart Valtery Sweet (Iriman Eldorado Gold + Kora Style Parvati), own. Lebedeva A.

ex. 3 - Meggy Ginge Fox (Slav Trophy Nimble Sprite + Lily of the Valley), own. Bulicheva D.
ex. 4 - Jelayu Udachi Vladichitsa Morskaya (Midnight Escape + Jelayu Udachi Enkora), own. Skorobogatova E.
Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, Champion class
ex.1 - Oliviya Elisabeth (Iriman Eldorado Gold + Zolotaya Osen), own. Ivanova M.

ex.2 - Amar Vasant Era Honey (Tapeatom Goodwill + Radiant Star Jaklin Candy), own. Baskakova A.

ex. 3 - Stars Maryland Fervent Desire (Rocheby Smokescreen + Tawastway's Hide'n'Seek), own. Ustinova E.

Labrador Retriever, Yellow Bitches, National club champions
ex.1 - Minni Bikini (Capas Spirit Bond James Bond + Krakso Rose Zolda Beylis), own. Golodenko K. (4th place in comparison for Best Yellow Bitch)

ex. 2 - Kasador Suerte Navarra Queen (Tapeatom Goodwill + Ellow Bitl Tsarevna Lebed), own. Moshkovskaya E.

Comparison for Best Yellow Bitch : VOSTORG VIASANTA and ROCHEBY MOST CHARMING