"RETRIEVER - 2022" - competitions, golden retrievers
9 April 2022, Moscow

Competition of couples (judge Silvana Vuckovic)

1.  Goldenrush My Perfect Marvel and Goldenrush English Miss, own.Kashlikova G.

2. Puello Oris Pure Diamond and Puello Oris Galaxy Star, own. Pakhomova E.

3. Belskaya Jemchuzhina Kiar Is Perfect and Belskaya Jemchuzhina Key to Success, own. Lysenko N.

4. Goldendazy Nancy Novella and Velorigess El Senior Sanches, own. Juravleva T.

Couples: Goldendazy Nency Novella and Velorigess El Senior Sanches, own. Juravleva T. / Solar Brilliant Beauty Queen and Xal Solar Brilliant Sacred Talisman, own. Melnikova U.

Couples: Goldenrush My Perfect Marvel and Goldenrush English Miss, own. Kashlikova G. / Puello Oris Pure Diamond and Puello Oris Galaxy Star, own. Pakhomova E.

Competition For Best Stud Dog (judge Dragan Tabakovic)

1. Goldenrush My Perfect Marvel, own. Kashlikova G.

2. Riera Evilina, own. Guseltsova O.

3. Goldendazy Nency Novella, own. Juravleva T.

4. Ladiolly Ukiona, own. Bessonova O.

Competition of kennel (judge Silvana Vuckovic)

1. "Goldenrush", own. Kashlikova G.     

2. "Larous Line", own. Bessonova O.    

3. "Puello Oris", own. Pakhomova E.


4. "Arilis Line", own. Guseltsova O.

Competition for Best Dynasty (judge Dragan Tabakovic)

1. Leymary Rudbekia - New Sunny Celestial Glow - New Sunny Jim

2. New Sunny Cefey - Prometeev Ogon ot Lady Uli - Goldberry Yarkiy Ogon